- Minimum Age 11+ (11-15 yrs with disclaimer signed by parents)
- Full Face protection to be worn by all players under 18yrs.
- Pyrotechnics can only be used by players aged 18+
- Players must obey all site official’s instructions.
- No Firing or dry firing your weapon in the safe zone.
- No magazines to be left in your gun in the safe zone.
- If a player loses their eye protection they must immediately call "BLIND MAN" and the game will be ceased by a Marshal.
- 1 whistle blow starts the game.
- 1 whistle blow will stop the game (in case of end game / safety issue).
- No over kill (excessive shooting of your opponent).
- Shoot for the central mass / legs if possible to prevent unnecessary head shots.
- Players must call "HIT" loudly and raise their arm in the air when a BB strikes them.
- Ricochets do not count.
- Weapon hits do not count.
- Grenade kill radius is 5m unless behind hard cover.
- Knife Kill only if you have snuck up on your opponent
- Surrender is optional, but if you surrender you cannot take up arms and must "re gen".
- Dead men don’t talk, point or wiggle their ears (no talking if you have been killed).
- No Swearing especially when directed at other players.
- Aggressive, unsafe or unsporting behavior (cheating) will result in immediate ban from the site and all UKARA sites will be informed of your conduct (resulting in a possible total ban from all UKARA sites).
- No Drug or Alcohol consumption during game hours.
Failure to follow any of these rules could result in your immediate eviction from the site, with no refund. Any serious breach of the rules and safety precautions will result in a report being made to all other UKARA registered game sites and retailers and if required local authorities.
Full auto - 1.13j (up to .32 weight bb)
semi - 1.88j
bolt action 2.4j
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